We all look in the mirror and see room for improvement. Some of us are concerned about lines and wrinkles revealing our true age or making us look older than we really are. Others are concerned about the visible effects of sun damage, like sun spots. What’s exciting is that a wide array of skin concerns can be treated by a safe, effective laser called Fotona. We offer this treatment at Generations Family Practice Wellness Center in Cary, NC.
Fotona is a versatile laser that can be used to treat a variety of conditions. For example, it can be used to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. It can also be used to treat acne scars and other skin blemishes. Additionally, this innovative laser can be used to help improve the appearance of stretch marks. Finally, this treatment can be used to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Treatment sessions are typically quick and easy. The length of your sessions will depend on several factors, including the severity of the concerns you are trying to treat, the size of the areas you are trying to treat, and the number of areas you are trying to treat. In some cases, sessions can be completed in just 15 minutes. In other cases, 30- to 45-minute long sessions are required to make noticeable improvements.
How soon you can see your treatment results depends on several factors, including the number of treatment sessions you will need to achieve your desired results. If you’re wondering when the right time to get this treatment is, the best time is when you are ready to improve the appearance of the skin. Sessions are usually spaced four weeks apart, so if you need three treatments, your final session will be two months after your first.
After your final treatment session, it may take between 28 and 42 days for your skin to finish producing extra collagen in response to the deep heating that occurred during treatment. However, you should also keep in mind that it is possible for sessions to be scheduled two or three weeks apart. Therefore, it is possible for you to see your final results just two months after your first session.
As a general rule, you can expect the results of your treatment to last for two years. However, several factors affect the longevity of the results. For example, if you’re a smoker, there’s a good chance you’ll need to come in for more frequent maintenance sessions. This is because the laser provides results thanks to extra collagen production, and tobacco consumption damages your collagen significantly. It also seriously slows the rate at which your skin produces new collagen.
Also, your results will not last as long if you consume an excessive amount of alcohol. For results that last as long as possible, men should consume no more than two alcoholic beverages per day. Women should consume no more than one alcoholic beverage per day. If you drink more than the recommended daily limit, your blood vessels will constrict to the point that your blood can no longer transport crucial nutrients efficiently. This starves and drastically weakens your collagen.
Prior to your laser therapy treatment, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least two weeks. You should also shave the treatment area before your appointment. Note, while it is important that you shave before your treatment session, you should keep in mind that shaving is the only approved hair removal technique. You should not use a depilatory cream to remove unwanted hair because that can cause chemical burns that irritate the skin.
It is also important that you refrain from waxing or tweezing the treatment area because these hair removal methods are also known to irritate the skin. In addition to attending your appointment with hair-free skin and no sunburn, it is important that your skin is hydrated when you come in for your appointment. This is because the more hydrated your skin is, the more efficiently it can respond to the treatment.
During your laser skin tightening session, you will be asked to wear protective eyewear. The treated area will be cleansed, and a gel will be applied. The gel helps the laser to better target the treatment area. Then, the laser will warm the deepest layers of your skin.
We’ve already discussed that it will be several weeks or months before you can see your desired results. You should also be aware that after your laser therapy treatment, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least two weeks. There are a couple of reasons why this is important.
One reason it is important to minimize UV ray exposure is that UV rays damage collagen and impede your skin’s ability to make new collagen. This decreases the efficacy and efficiency of the treatment. Another reason why it is important to protect your skin from sun damage is that your skin will be sensitive to sunlight for a couple of weeks after your treatment.
Fotona treatments are safe and effective for most people, but it is always important to talk to a professional before beginning any new treatment. The type or tone of your skin will not affect whether you are a good candidate for this laser therapy. However, the overall health of your skin will. You will not qualify if your skin is irritated at the time of your scheduled session.
Therefore, it is imperative that you take steps to prevent sunburn by wearing sunscreen in the weeks before your treatment. It is also very important to maintain a preventative acne treatment routine if you have a history of whitehead or blackhead outbreaks. Similarly, you should strongly consider using antiviral medication if you have a history of oral herpes and your goal is to tighten facial skin or eliminate freckles from around your mouth.
You will be considered a poor candidate for this treatment if you suffer from certain medical conditions that make you sensitive to light. Also, you will be deemed a poor fit for this treatment if you take any medications that cause photosensitivity or may cause photosensitivity and your doctor advises you to not stop taking them.
Furthermore, you should not consider this treatment if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. If you think you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test to verify that you are not pregnant before considering this treatment.
If you are interested in improving your appearance and would like to learn more about Fotona, contact us today at Generations Family Practice Wellness Center in Cary, NC. We would be happy to discuss this treatment option with you and answer any questions that you may have. Whether you are concerned about aging signs, sun damage, stretch marks, or other skin concerns, there’s a good chance you’ll qualify for laser therapy.